By Bob Friel

Local luminaries together with boldfaced names from the worlds of science, business, entertainment, education, politics, and even space exploration met beside the glittering waters of Orcas Island’s West Sound this July to show their support for the Salish Sea and SeaDoc’s work to preserve and protect it.
Now in its 9th year, the SeaDoc Wine and Sea Auction has become the Northwest’s must-do of the summer. This year, nearly 200 donors and volunteers gathered in a fabulous setting at Family Tides Farm to enjoy amazing seafood, live music, games, great conversation, and an ocean of superb wines. Under the big tent, the auction was fast, furious, and a lot of fun. By the time the dust settled and paddles were put away, we’d raised more funds than ever to continue our work!
SeaDoc couldn't conduct science that is helping to heal the sea we all love without the support of private investors. Thank you for making a difference.
Be sure not to miss Wine and Sea 2017! Put Saturday July 8, 2017 on your calendar now!