Dunlin photo by Samantha Franks

The SeaDoc Society has funded, led or collaborated on more than 130 scientific publications, including peer-reviewed journal articles and technical reports. Science is a crucial part of our mission to heal the Salish Sea, but science alone is not enough.

Our mission is to empower people—regardless of economic status or background—to join us in the effort to conserve this special place. That is why we try to ensure that all of our published scientific research is open-access, meaning you are free to read, download and share it at no cost. We invest extra time and money to make this possible because we believe equal access to scientific data is important. 

Browse our publications by year below. If you have trouble getting one of our SeaDoc publications for free, email us the citation and we’ll send you the PDF. No charge.

Gaydos, J.K. 2025. Marine-foraging river otters in the Salish Sea: a species profile. Encyclopedia of Puget Sound


Dawkins, P. D. , E. A. Fiorenza, J. L. Gaeckle, J. A. Lanksbury, J. A. J. M. van de Water, W. E. Feeney, C. D. Harvell & J. B. Lamb. 2024. Seagrass ecosystems as green urban infrastructure to mediate human pathogens in seafood. Nature Sustainability

Graham, O.J., D. Harvell, B. Christiaen, J. Gaeckle, L.R. Aoki, B. Ratliff, A. Vinton, B.H. Rappazzo, and T. Whitman. 2024. Taking the Pulse of Resilience in Conserving Seagrass Meadows. Integrative and Comparative Biology. doi.org/10.1093/icb/icae120

Jewell, M, Fuhrmeister, E.R, Roberts, MC, Weissman, SJ, Rabinowitz, PM, Hawes, SE. 2024. Associations between Isolation Source, Clonal Composition, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Escherichia coli Collected in Washington State, USA. Antibiotics 13(103). https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics13010103

Lee L. K. F., Hipfner J.M., Frankfurter G., Cray C., Pearson S. F., Fiorello C., Clyde N. M. T., Hudson S. A., Parker S.E., Stallknecht D.E., Furst E. and Haman K.H. 2024. Baseline health parameters of rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) using serum protein electrophoresis, acute phase proteins, and biochemistry. Front. Vet. Sci. 11:1379980. doi:10.3389/fvets.2024.1379980

Lo, C. F., H. H. Nollens, B. A. Nollens, M. Sears, M. B. Hanson, M. N. Weiss, J. Sheppard, C. Welch, R. Friel, and J. K. Gaydos. 2024. Behavioral responses of Bigg's and Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) to uncrewed aerial vehicle-based breath sample collection. Marine Mammal Science, e13192. https://doi.org/10.1111/mms.13192

Williams, R., R. C. Lacy, E. Ashe, L. Barrett-Lennard, T. M. Brown, J. K. Gaydos, F. Gulland, M. MacDuffee, B. W. Nelson, K. A. Nielsen, H. Nollens, S. Raverty, S. Reiss, P. S. Ross, M. S. Collins, R. Stimmelmayr, and P. Paquet (2024). Warning sign of an accelerating decline in critically endangered killer whales (Orcinus orca). Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 173. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01327-5

Williams, R., Nielsen, K., Nollens, H., Reiss, S., Wold, K., and Gaydos, J.K. 2024. Respiratory intervals and swimming speed as remotely-sensed health metrics in free-ranging killer whales (Orcinus orca). Journal of Wildlife Diseases doi: 10.7589/JWD-D-23-00186



Gaydos, J. K., J. St. Leger, H. Nollens, M. Haulena, S. Raverty, C. Emmons, M. B. Hanson, E. Ward., K. Balcom, D. Ellifrit, and D. Giles. 2023. Epidemiology of skin changes in endangered Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca). PLoS ONE 18(6): e0286551. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0286551

Gaydos, J. K. 2023. Sea Star Wasting Disease. Pages 22-32. In Wildlife Health and Conservation. (Eds. D. Jessup and R. Radcliffe) Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD

Giles, D. A., Teman, S. J., Ellis, S., Ford, J. K. B., Shields, M. W., Hanson, M. B., Emmons, C. K., Cottrell, P. E., Baird, R. E., Osborne, R. W., Weiss, M., Ellifrit, D. K., Olson, J. K., Towers, J. R. , Ellis, G., Matkin, D., Smith, C. E., Raverty, S. A., Norman, S. A., & Gaydos, J. K. (2023). Harassment and killing of porpoises ('phocoenacide') by fish-eating southern resident killer whales. Marine Mammal Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1111/mms.13073

Tseng, AS, Roberts, MC, Weissman, SJ, Rabinowitz PM. 2023. Study of heavy metal resistance genes in Escherichia coli isolates from a marine ecosystem with a history of environmental pollution (arsenic, cadmium, copper, and mercury). PLoS ONE 18(11): e0294565. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0294565




Ashley, E. A., C. V. Pattengill-Semmens, J. W. Orr, J. D. Nichols, J. K. Gaydos. (2022). Documenting fishes in an island sea with citizen scientist diver surveys: using taxonomic expertise to inform the observation of potential of fish species. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Environ Monit Assess 194, 227. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-022-09857-1

Christiaen B., H. Berry, L. Ferrier, P. Dowty, J. Gaeckle, L. Johnson, M. Sanchez and T. Cowdrey. 2023. Marine Vegetation in the southern Salish Sea. Final report to the SeaDoc Society. A17-0568-S012. Nearshore Habitat Program. Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA.

Dimond J.L., Bouma J.V., Carson H.S., Gavery M.R., O’Brien C., Simchick C. and Sowul K. 2022. Efficacy of Endangered Pinto Abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) Stock Restoration in the Southern Salish Sea From a Genomic Perspective. Frontiers in Conservation Science. 3:911218. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2022.911218

Dimond, J.L., Gathright, B.R., Bouma J.V., Carson H.S., and Sowul K. 2022. Detecting endangered pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) using environmental DNA: Comparison of ddPCR, QPCR, and conventional diver surveys. Environmental DNA 00:1-10. doi: 10.1002/3en3.351

Glidden, C.K., Field, L.C., Bachhuber S., Hennessey S.M., Cates R., Cohen L., Crockett E., Degnin M, Feezell M.K., Fulton-Bennett H.K., Pires D., Poirson B.N., Randell Z.H., White E., Gravem S.A. 2022. Strategies for Managing Marine Disease. Ecological Applications e2643. doi.org/10.1002/eap.2643

Grunwald, JL, Rabinowitz, P, Weissman, SJ, Roberts MC. 2022. Diversity of Escherichia coli found in the Salish Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi 10.3389/fmars.2022.967435

Hahn, J., K. Van Alstyne, J. K. Gaydos, L. K. Wallis, J. E. West, S. J. Hollenhorst, G. M. Ylitalo, R. Poppenga, J. L. Bolton, D. MacBride, and R. Sofield. 2022. Chemical Contaminant Levels in Edible Seaweeds of the Salish Sea and Implications for their Consumption. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0269269. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0269269

Harding, L., Tagel, M., Incardona, J., and West, J. 2022 Assessing Land-Based Impacts to Spawning Habitats of Surf Smelt. WDFW Technical Memo.

Norman, S. A., J. L. Huggins, D. M. Lambourn, L. D. Rhodes, M. G. Garner, J. Bolton, J. K. Gaydos, A. Scott, S. Raverty and J. Calambokidis. 2022. Risk Factor Determination and Qualitative Risk Assessment of Mucormycosis in Harbor Porpoise, an Emergent Fungal Disease in Salish Sea Marine Mammals. Frontiers in Marine Science doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.962857

Teman, S. J., Greig, D. J., Wilkin, S. M., & Gaydos, J. K. (2022). Variability in body condition and growth rates for rehabilitated harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups. Aquatic Mammals, 48(3), 234-247. http://doi.org/10.1578/AM.48.3.2022.234

Wainstein, M. and J.K. Gaydos, 2022. Marine Species at Risk: A Salish Sea Transboundary Indicator with More Potential. Proceedings of the 2022 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, April 2022.

Warlick, A. J., J. L. Huggins, D. M. Lambourn, D. A. Duffield, D. D’Alessandro, J. M. Rice, J. Calambokidis, M. B. Hanson, J. K. Gaydos, S. J. Jeffries, J. Olson, J. Scordino, A. Akmajian, M. Klope, S. Berta, S. Dubpernell, B. Carlson, S. Riemer, J. Hodder, V. Souze, A. Elsby, C. King, K. Wilkinson, T. Boothe, and S. A. Norman. 2022. Cetacean strandings in the US Pacific Northwest 2000-2019 reveal potential linkages to oceanographic variability. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:758812. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.758812


Anderson, N. L., S. De La Cruz, J. K. Gaydos, M. H. Ziccardi, and D. Harvey. 2021. Effects of season, location, species, and sex on hematologic and plasma biochemical values and body mass in free-ranging Aechmorphorus grebes. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 35(2):135-152

Baker, M. R., K. Williams, H.G. Greene, C. Greufe, H. Lopes, J. Aschoff, R. Towler. 2021. Use of manned submersible and autonomous stereo-camera array to assess forage fish and associated subtidal habitat. Fisheries Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106067.

Brooks, M.L., J. R. Lovvorn, J. Hallman Behnke, and E. M. Anderson. 2021. Detecting silent stressors: Trace element effects on nutritional status of declining scoter ducks of Puget Sound, USA. Science of the Total Environment. 766:144247 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144247

D’Agnese, E., J. K. Olson, D. Lambourn, A. Scott, J. Huggins, J. Calambokidis, S. Raverty, M. Garner and J. K. Gaydos. 2021. Congenital disease in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsii) from the Salish Sea. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57(3) doi: 10.7589/JWD-D-20-00179

Essington, T., Ward, E. J., Francis, T. B., Greene, C., Kuehne, L., Lowry, D. 2021. Historical reconstruction of the Puget Sound (USA) groundfish community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 657:173-189. doi: 10.3354/meps13547

Friel, B. 2021. Tangled up in blue. Oceanography 34(3):12-15.

Gravem, S.A., W.N. Heady, V.R. Saccomanno, K.F. Alvstad, A.L.M. Gehman, T.N. Frierson and S.L. Hamilton. 2021. Pycnopodia helianthoides. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021.

Greene, H. G., M. R. Baker, J. Aschoff, R. Pacunski. 2021. Hazards evaluation of a valuable vulnerable sand-wave field forage fish habitat in the marginal Central Salish Sea using a submersible. Oceanologia. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceano.2021.06.002

Jackson, E. W., R. C. Wilhelm, M. Johnson, Ho. Lutz, I. Danforth, J. K. Gaydos, M. Hart and I. Hewson. 2021. Diversity of sea star-associated densoviruses and transcribed endogenized viral elements of densovirus origin. Journal of Virology 95(1) doi: 10.1101/2020.08.05.239004

LeFlore, M., D. Bunn, P.Sebastian, J. K. Gaydos. 2021. Improving the probability that small-scale science will benefit conservation. Conservation Science and Practice, e571. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.571

Melica, V., Atkinson, S., Calambokidis, J., Lang, A., Scordino, J., Mueter, F. 2021. Application of endocrine biomarkers to update information on reproductive physiology in gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255368. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0255368

Norman, S. A., D. M. Lambourn, J. L. Huggins, J. K. Gaydos, S. Dubpernell, S. Berta, J. K. Olson, V. Souze, A. Evans, B. Carlson, M. Johnson, R. Mayer, C. King, and A. Scott. 2021. Antibiotic resistance of bacteria in two marine mammal species, harbor seals and porpoises, living in an urban marine ecosystem, the Salish Sea, Washington State, USA. Oceans 2:86-104 doi: 10.3390/oceans2010006

Olson, J. K., D. M. Lambourn, J. L. Huggins, S. Raverty, A. A. Scott and J. K. Gaydos. 2021. Prevalence of propeller strike related mortality in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) of the Salish Sea. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57(3) doi:10.7589/JWD-D-20-00221

Robinson, L. K., B. Proudfoot, C. N. Rooper, and D. F. Bertram. 2021. Comparison of spatial distribution models to predict subtidal burying habitat of the forage fish Ammodytes personatus in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 1-15. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3593

Sobocinski, K.L. (2021). State of the Salish Sea. G. Broadhurst and N.J.K. Baloy (Contributing Eds.). Salish Sea Institute, Western Washington University. https://doi.org/10.25710/vfhb-3a69.

Teman, S. J., J. K. Gaydos, S. A. Norman, J. L. Huggins, D. M. Lambourn, J. Calambokidis, J. K. B. Ford, M. B. Hanson, M. Haulena, E. Zabek, P. Cottrell, L. Hoang, M. Morshed, M. M. Garner, S. Raverty. 2021. Epizootiology of a Cryptococcus gattii outbreak in porpoises and dolphins from the Salish Sea. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. Vol. 146: 129–143, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3354/dao03630

Trimbach D. J., J. K. Gaydos, K. Biedenweg. 2021. Salish Sea Survey: Geographic Literacy Enhancing Natural Resource Management, Society & Natural Resources. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2021.1936318

Vingino, A., Roberts, M.C., Wainstein, M., West, J., Norman, S.A., Lambourn, D., Lahti, J., Ruiz, R., D’Angeli, M., Weissman, S.J., Rabinowitz, P. 2021. Surveillance for Antibiotic-Resistant E. coli in the Salish Sea Ecosystem. Antibiotics 10, 1201. https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics10101201  

Williams, R., E. Ashe, G. Broadhurst, M. Jasny, D. Tuytel, M. Benton, and T. Ragen. 2021. Destroying and Restoring Critical Habitats of Endangered Killer Whales. Bioscience https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biab085



Ashley, Elizabeth A., J. K. Olson, T. E. Adler, S. Raverty, E. M. Anderson, S. Jeffries, and J. K. Gaydos. In Press. Causes of mortality in a harbor seal population at equilibrium. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:319. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00319

Ashley, Elizabeth A., Jennifer K. Olson, Stephen Raverty, Kristin Wilkinson, and Joseph K. Gaydos. Trace Element Concentrations in Livers of Pacific Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) from San Juan County, Washington, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 2020. DOI: 10.7589/2019-04-087.

Bednaršek, Nina, Greg Pelletier, Anise Ahmed, Richard A. Feely. 2020. Chemical Exposure Due to Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification Increases Risks for Estuarine Calcifiers in the Salish Sea: Biogeochemical Model Scenarios. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00580

Gaydos, J. K., S. Raverty and M. Delaney. 2020. Causes of mortality in marine-foraging North American river otters (Lontra canadensis)Journal of Wildlife Diseases 56(4). doi: 10.7589/JWD-D-20-00031

Huggins, Jessica L., Michael M. Garner, Stephen A Raverty, Dyanna M. Lambourn, Stephanie A Norman, Linda D. Rhodes, Joseph K. Gaydos, Jennifer K. Olson, Martin Haulena, M. Bradley Hanson. 2020. The Emergence of Mucormycosis in Free-Ranging Marine Mammals of the Pacific Northwest. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00555

Olson, J., J. Aschoff, A. Goble, and J. K. Gaydos. 2020. Maximizing surveillance through spatial characterization of marine mammal stranding hot spots. Marine Mammal Science 1-14. DOI: 10.1111/mms.12696

Raverty, Stephen, Judy St. Leger, Dawn P. Noren, Kathy Burek Huntington, David S. Rotstein, Frances M. D. Gulland, John K. B. Ford, M. Bradley Hanson, Dyanna M. Lambourn, Jessie Huggins, Martha A. Delaney, Lisa Spaven, Teri Rowles, Lynne Barre, Paul Cottrell, Graeme Ellis, Tracey Goldstein, Karen Terio, Debbie Duffield, Jim Rice, Joseph K. Gaydos. Pathology findings and correlation with body condition index in stranded killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the northeastern Pacific and Hawaii from 2004 to 2013. PLOS ONE. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0242505

Sangster, S., M. Haulena, C. Nordstrom, J.K. Gaydos. 2020. Interannual differences in postrelease movements of rehabilitated harbor seal pups (Phoca vitulina richardii) in the Salish Sea. Marine Mammal Science. DOI: 10.1111/mms.12739 



Carson, Henry S., D. J. Morin, J. V. Bouma, M. Ulrich, R. Sizemore. 2019. The survival of hatchery-origin pinto abalone Haliotis kamtschatkana released into Washington waters. Aquatic Conserv: Freshw Ecosyst. 2019;1-18. ttps://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3004.

Gaydos, Joseph K., M. Haulena, S. Raverty, B. Lutmerding, K. Wilkinson, L. Barre, B. Hanson, L. Rhodes, T. Rowles, K. Foster, J. Foster, P. Cottrell, D. Giles, T. Shedd, J. Durban, H. Fearnbach, and H. H. Nollens. Multi-agency veterinary response for a free-ranging chronically-ill juvenile southern resident killer whale (Orcinus orca). 2019. Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine, Durban, South Africa.

Glasgow, J., J. D. De Groot, M. P. Small. Genetic composition and conservation status of coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) in the San Juan Islands, Washington. 2019. Conservation Genetics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-019-01238-5

Harvell, C. D., D. Montecino-Latorre, J. M. Caldwell, J. M. Burt, K. Bosley, A. Keller, S. F. Heron, A. K. Salomon, L. Lee, O. Pointer, C. Pattengill-Semmens, J. K. Gaydos. 2019. Disease epidemic and a marine heat wave are associated with the continental-scale collapse of a pivotal predator. (Pycnopodia helianthoides). Science Advances. 30 Jan 2019. Vol. 5, no. 1, eaau7042. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau7042

Tang, K., J. Winer, T. McKlveen, M. Etnier, L. Legendre, M. Haulena, M. Delaney, and J. K. Gaydos. 2019. Computed tomography of the mandibles of a stranded offshore killer whale (Orcinus orca). Journal of Comparative Pathology 168:35-40. doi.org/10.1016/j.jcpa.2019.03.001

Trimbach, D. J., J. K. Gaydos. 2019. Salish Sea Survey.

Van Deren, M., Mojica, J., Martin, J., Koefod, C. 2019. The Whales in Our Waters: The Economic Benefits of Whale Watching in San Juan County. Earth Economics. Tacoma, WA.


The Salish Sea Pacific Herring Assessment and Management Strategy Team. 2018. “Assessment and Management of Pacific Herring in the Salish Sea: Conserving and Recovering a Culturally Significant and Ecologically Critical Component of the Food Web.” The SeaDoc Society, Orcas Island, WA. 74 pp.

Middleton, H. A., R. W. Butler, and P. Davidson. 2018. "Waterbirds alter their distribution and behavior in the presence of bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus)." Northwestern Naturalist 99 no. 1: 21-30. https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN16-21.1

Norman, S. A., M. B.  Hanson, C. Emmons, J. Huggins, J. Calambokidis, D. Lambourn, S. J. Jeffries, P. Cottrell, A. Greene, S. Raverty, S. Berta, S. Dupbernell, M. Klope, M. Carrasco, V. Souze, A. Eslby, C. McLean, B. Carlson, and J. K. Gaydos. 2018. Conception, fetal growth, and calving seasonality of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Salish Sea waters of Washington State, USA and southern British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96: 566–575.doi.org/10.1139/cjz-2017-0155

Olson, J. K., J. Wood, R. W. Osborne, L. Barrett-Lennard, S. Larson. 2018. Sightings of southern resident killer whales in the Salish Sea 1976-2014: The importance of a long-term opportunistic dataset. Endangered Species Research. Vol. 37: 105-118. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr00918

Van Duivenbode, Z. 2018. Salish Sea Fish Assemblage Workshop, Seattle, WA. 2018. 20 pp.

Warlick, Amanda J. Deborah A. Duffield, Dyanna M. Lambourn, Steven J. Jeffries, James M. Rice, Joseph K. Gaydos, Jessica L. Huggins, John Calambokidis, Lesanna L. Lahner, Jennifer Olson, Erin D'Agnese, Victoria Souze, Alysha Elsby, and Stephanie A. Norman. 2018. Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Pinniped Strandings and Human Interaction Cases in the Pacific Northwest, 1991 - 2016. Aquatic Mammals 44(3):299-318. doi 10.1578/AM.44.3.2018.299   


Dierauf, L. A. and J. K Gaydos. 2017. Ethics and Animal Welfare. Chapter 5; Pages 63-76. In CRC Textbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, 3rd Edition.

Gaydos, J. K. 2017. "SeaDoc comments to National Marine Fisheries Service on science related to petition to establish a whale protection zone for southern resident killer whales." 1-5.

Gaydos, J. K. 2017. Disease and Environmental Stressors: How They Combine to Impact Endangered Species. Proceedings of the 6th International Conferencia del Associacion Mexicanos de Medicos Veterinarios Especializados en Animales de Zoologico, Exoticos, y Silvestres, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, June 2017. 

Gaydos, J. K. 2017. Update on Sea Star Wasting Disease and other Marine Invertebrate Diseases.  Proceedings of the 6th International Conferencia del Associacion Mexicanos de Medicos Veterinarios Especializados en Animales de Zoologico, Exoticos, y Silvestres, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, June 2017

Huggins, J. L., D. M. Lambourn, S. A. Raverty, M. B. Hanson, L. D. Rhodes, S. A. Norman, J. K. Gaydos, J. K. Olson, and M. M. Garner. Mucormycosis: an emerging disease in marine mammals of the Salish Sea. 22nd Biennial Conference of the Society of Marine Mammalogy, October 2017

Noren, D. P, S. Raverty, J. K. Gaydos, J. St. Leger, P. Cottrell, G. M. Ylitalo, T. Schmitt, K. Baugh, S. Osborne, L. Spavin, and M. B. Hanson. 2017. Using data from trained and stranded killer whales to better understand body condition of endangered Southern Resident killer whales. 22nd Biennial Conference of the Society of Marine Mammalogy, October 2017.

Matkin, Craig O., M. J. Moore, F. M. D. Gulland. 2017. "Review of recent research on southern resident killer whales to detect evidence of poor body condition in the population." Independent Science Panel Report to the SeaDoc Society: 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1575/1912/8803

Noren, D. P, S. Raverty, J. K. Gaydos, J. St. Leger, P. Cottrell, G. M. Ylitalo, T. Schmitt, K. Baugh, S. Osborne, L. Spavin, and M. B. Hanson. 2017. Using data from trained and stranded killer whales to better understand body condition of endangered Southern Resident killer whales. 22nd Biennial Conference of the Society of Marine Mammalogy, October 2017


Clarke, L. Z., I. A. Plourde, J. K. Gaydos, and J. K. Olson. 2016. Predation of a Harbor seal pup (Phoca vitulina) by American Mink (Neovision vison) in the Salish Sea. Northwestern Naturalist 97:260-262.

Duffield, D., J. K. Gaydos, S. Raverty, K. Wilkinson, B. Norberg, L. Barre, M. B. Hanson, P. Foreman, A. Traxler, D. M. Lambourn, J. Huggins, J. Calambokidis, T. McKlveen, S. Dennison, and H. Brubaker. 2016. "Wild animal mortality investigation: Southern Resident killer whale L-112 final report." U.S. Dept. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-133. https://doi.org/10.7289/V5/TM-NWFSC-133

Glasgow, J., J. De Groot, R. Barsh, M. O'Connell, and N. Gayeski. 2016. "Genetic Composition and Status of Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) in the San Juan Islands, Washington." A report for the SeaDoc Society prepared by Wild Fish Conservancy, Long Live the Kings, Kwiaht, and the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Molecular Genetics Lab.

Hanson, T, G. J. Wiles, and J.K. Gaydos. 2016. "A novel public–private partnership model for improving the listing of endangered species." Biodiversity Conservation 25: 193-198. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-016-1048-3

Martin, D. L., Y. Chiari, E. Boone, T. D. Sherman, C. Ross, S. Wyllie-Echeverria, J. K. Gaydos, and A. A. Boettcher. 2016. "Functional, Phylogenetic and Host-Geographic Signatures of Labyrinthula spp. Provide for Putative Species Delimitation and a Global-Scale View of Seagrass Wasting Disease." Journal of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation: Estuaries and Coast 39 no. 3. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-016-0087-z

Mills, Kyra L., J. K. Gaydos, C. V. Fiorello, E. R. Whitmer, S. De La Cruz, D. M. Mulcahy, L. Ignacio Vilchis, and M. H. Ziccardi. 2016. "Post-release Survival and Movement of Western Grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis) Implanted with Intracoelomic Satellite Transmitters." Waterbirds 39 no. 2: 175-186.

Montecino-Latorre, D., M. E. Eisenlord, M. Turner, R. Yoshioka, C. D. Harvell, C. V. Pattengill-Semmens, J. D. Nichols, and J. K. Gaydos. 2016. "Devastating Transboundary Impacts of Sea Star Wasting Disease on Subtidal Asteroids." PLoS ONE 11 no. 10: e0163190. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0163190

Northern Economics, Inc. 2016. "Economic Impacts of Washington State Resident Scuba Divers." Prepared for SeaDoc Society: 1-45.

Olson, J. K., J. K. Gaydos, T. McKlveen, R. Poppenga, K. Wicinas, E. Anderson, and S. Raverty. 2016. "Conjoined fetal twins in a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)." Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52 no. 1: 173-176. https://doi.org/10.7589/2015-02-045

Raverty, S., B. Hanson, P. Cottrell, D. Rotstein, S. Dennison, T. Goldstein, T. McKlveen, L. Spavin, and J. Gaydos. 2016. Satellite tag deployment, detachment, and loss of a Southern Resident Killer Whale (L95) in British Columbia, Canada. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of American College of Veterinary Pathologists, December 2016.

Windrope, A. H., T. Quinn, Kurt Fresh, Andrea MacLennan, and Joseph K. Gaydos. 2016. "Marine Shoreline Management – a 35 year evaluation of outcomes in San Juan County, Washington, USA." Coastal Management 44 no. 6: 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/08920753.2017.1237242

Zier, J. and J. K. Gaydos. 2016. " The growing number of species of concern in the Salish Sea suggests ecosystem decay is outpacing recovery." Proceedings of the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, Vancouver, BC, April 2016: 1-17.

Barrie, J. V. and H. G. Greene. 2015. "Active faulting in the northern Juan de Fuca Strait: implications for Victoria, British ColumbiaGeological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2015: 1-10. https://doi.org/10.4095/296564

Gaydos, J. K. 2015. "Canine Distemper in Wildlife: How Private Practitioners Can Help." Proceedings of the 2015 North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, Florida: 1-3.

Gaydos, J. K. and L. Rhodes. 2015. "Infectious Diseases and Ecosystem Recovery." 1-8.

Gaydos, J. K. and J. Zier. 2014. "Species of Concern within the Salish Sea nearly double between 2002 and 2013." Proceedings of the 2014 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, April 30–May 2, 2014, Seattle, Washington, 1-15.

Gaydos, J. K., S. Thixton, and J. Donatuto. 2015. "Evaluating Threats in Multinational Marine Ecosystems: A Coast Salish First Nations and Tribal Perspective." PLoS ONE 10 no. 12: e0144861. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0144861

Hanson, T. and G. J. Wiles. 2015."Washington state status report for the Tufted Puffin." Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia WA: 1-66.

Hobbs, N., E. Lazo-Wasem, M. Faasse, J. R. Cordell, J. W. Chapman, C. S. Smith, R. Prezant, R. Shell, and J.T. Carlton. 2015. "Going global: The introduction of the Asian isopod Ianiropsis serricaudis Gurjanova (Crustacea: Pericarida) to North America and Europe." Aquatic Invasions 10: 1-11.

Huggins, J. L., S. A. Raverty, S. A. Norman, J. Calambokidis, J. K. Gaydos, D. A. Duffield, D. M. Lambourn, J. M. Rice, B. Hanson, K. Wilkinson, S. J. Jeffries, B. Norberg, and L. Barre. 2015. "Increased harbor porpoise mortality in the Pacific Northwest, USA: understanding when higher levels may be normal." Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 115: 93-102, https://doi.org/10.3354/dao02887

Lowry, D., K. Stick, A. Lindquist, and Y. W. Cheng. 2015. "Evaluation of Creel Survey Methods to Estimate Recreational Harvest of Surf Smelt in Puget Sound, Washington." North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35: 403-417. https://doi.org/10.1080/02755947.2015.1009658

Pietsch, T. W. and J. W. Orr. 2015. "Fishes of the Salish Sea: a compilation and distributional analysis." NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 18: 1-106. https://doi.org/10.7755/PP.18

Selleck, J. R., C. F. Gibson, S. Shull, and J. K. Gaydos. 2015. "Nearshore Distribution of Pacific Sand Lance (Ammodytes personatus) in the Inland Waters of Washington State." Northwestern Naturalist 96 no. 3:185-195. https://doi.org/10.1898/1051-1733-96.3.185

Zier, J. C. and J. K. Gaydos. 2015. "Harbor porpoise species profile." Encyclopedia of Puget Sound, Sept 28, 2015.



Buzzell, B., M. M. Lance and A. Acevedo-Gutierrez. 2014. "Spatial and Temporal Variation in River Otter (Lontra canadensis) Diet and Predation on Rockfish (Genus Sebastes) in the San Juan Islands, Washington." Aquatic Mammals 40 no. 2: 150-161. https://doi.org/10.1578/AM.40.2.2014.150

Gaydos, J. K. 2014. "Diseases of River Otters, a Recovering Species." Proceedings of the 2014 North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, Florida: 1-3.

Gaydos, J. K. 2015. "How to Better Communicate as a Scientist." The Wildlife Professional 8 no. 1: 55-56. 

Gaydos, J.K. 2014. "Salmonella in Wildlife." Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, Florida: 1-2.

Groner, M. L., C. A. Burge, C. S. Couch, C. J. Kim, G. Siegmund, S. Singha, S. C. Smoot, A. Jarrell, J. K. Gaydos, C.D. Harvell, and S. Wyllie-Echeverria. 2014. "Host demography influences the prevalence and severity of eelgrass wasting disease." Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 108: 165-175. https://doi.org/10.3354/dao02709

Hewson, I., J. B. Button, B. M. Gudenkauf, B. Miner, A. L. Newton, J. K. Gaydos, J. Wynne, C. L. Groves, G. Hendler, M. Murray, S. Fradkin, M. Breitbart, E. Fahsbender, K. D. Lafferty, A. M. Kilpatrick, C. M. Miner, P. Raimondi, L. Lahner, C. S. Friedman, S. Daniels, M. Haulena, J. Marliave, C. A. Burge, M. E. Eisenlord, and C. D. Harvell. 2014. "Densovirus associated with sea-star wasting disease and mass mortality." PNAS online: 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1416625111

Noren, S. R., D. P. Noren, and J. K. Gaydos. 2014. "Living in the fast lane: rapid development of the locomotor muscle in immature harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." Journal of Comparative Physiology B 184 no. 8: 1065-1076. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00360-014-0854-8

Raverty, S. A., J. K. Gaydos and J. A. St. Leger. 2014. "Updated (2014) killer whale necropsy protocol." SeaDoc Society: 1-84.

Vetger, A. C., M. Barletta, C. Beck, J. Borrero, H. Burton, M. L. Campbell, M. F. Costa, M. Eriksen, C. Eriksson, A. Estrades, K. V. K. Gilardi, B. D. Hardesty, J. A. Ivar do Sul, J. L. Lavers, B. Lazar, L. Lebreton, W. J. Nichols, C. A. Ribic, P. G. Ryan, Q. A. Schuyler, S. D. A. Smith, H. Takada, K. A. Townsend, C. C. C. Wabnitz, C. Wilcox, L. C. Young, and M. Hamann. 2014. "Global research priorities to mitigate plastic pollution impacts on marine wildlife." Endangered Species Research 25: 225-245. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr00623

Vilchis, L. I. C. K. Johnson, J. R. Evenson, S. F. Pearson, K. L. Barry, P. Davidson, M. G. Raphael, and J. K. Gaydos. 2014. "Assessing Ecological Correlates of Marine Bird Declines to Inform Marine Conservation." Conservation Biology 29 no. 1: 154-163. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12378

Wong, C., M. Rylko. 2014. Health of the Salish Sea as measured using transboundary ecosystem indicators. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2014.980209

Zier, J. C. and J. K. Gaydos. 2014. "Harbor seal species profile." Encyclopedia of Puget Sound, June 9, 2014.

Barbieri, M. M., S. Raverty, M. B. Hanson, S. Venn-Watson, J. K. B. Ford, and J. K. Gaydos. 2013. "Spatial and temporal analysis of killer whale (Orcinus orca) strandings in the North Pacific Ocean and the benefits of a coordinated stranding response protocol." Marine Mammal Science 29 no. 4: E448-E462. https://doi.org/10.1111/mms.12044

Browning, H. 2013. The benefit, structure and principles of cooperative research: A guide for the development of projects in Puget Sound supporting rockfish recovery. 23 pp.

Duffield, D., D. D'Alessandro, S. Raverty, J. K. Gaydos, D. Lambourn, J. Huggins, J. Calambokidis, T. Mcklveen, S. Dennison, B. Norberg, K. Wilkinson, L. Barre, B. Hanson, P. Foreman, A. Traxler, and H. Brubaker. 2013. "Stranding evaluation of southern resident killer whale L112, by the Northwest Marine Mammal Stranding Network." Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine, San Francisco, CA, April 2013: 1-2.

Gaydos, J. K., M. Ziccardi, C. Fiorello, K. Mills, S. De La Cruz, and J. G. Massey. 2013. "Successful transmitter implantation requires more than just a safe surgery: the story of the Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentals)." Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine, San Francisco, CA, April 2013: 1-2.

Essington, T. E., K. Dodd, and T. P. Quinn. 2013. Shifts in the estuarine demersal fish community after a fishery closure in Puget Sound, Washington. Fishery Bulletin 111(3): 205-217

Hobson, K. A., G. L. Slater, D. B. Lank, R. L. Milner, and R. Gardiner. 2013. "Agricultural Lands Subsidize Winter Diet of the Dunlin at Two Major Estuaries." The Condor 115 no. 3: 515-524. https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2013.120118

Lambourn, D., M. Garner, D. Ewalt, J. Rhyan, S. Raverty, S. Jeffries, and J. K. Gaydos. 2013. Brucella pinnipedialisinfections in Pacific Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi) from Washington State. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49:802-815. doi: 10.7589/212-05-137

Parker, C., J. K. Gaydos, S. Raverty, A. D. McIntosh, A. L. Traxler, and P. Harner. 2013. "Vertical transmission of internal parasites in harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) pups in San Juan County, Washington." Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine, San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

Pearson, S. F., P. J. Hodum, T. P. Good, M. Schrimpf, and S. M. Knapp. 2013. "A model approach for estimating colony size, trends and habitat associations of burrow-nesting seabirds." The Condor 115 no. 2: 356-365. http://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2013.110207

Tang, K., J. K. Gaydos, W. Van Bonn, P. H. Kass, M. Haulena, and P. Harner. 2013. "Thermoregulation in rehabilitating harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) pups: how core body temperature and surface temperature are associated with size metrics and the management practice of bathing." Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine, San Francisco, CA, April 2013: 1-3.



Akmajian, A. M., D. M. Lambourn, M. M. Lance, S. Raverty, and J. K. Gaydos. 2012."Mortality related to Spotted Ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) in Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Washington State." Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48: 1057-1062. https://doi.org/10.7589/2011-12-348

Anderson, E. M. and J. R. Lovvorn. 2012. Seasonal dynamics of prey size mediate complementary functions of mussel beds and seagrass habitats for an avian predator. Marine Ecology Progress Series 467:219-232.

Gaydos, J. K. 2012. "Deadly Diatoms: an update on Harmful Algal Blooms." Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, Florida January 2012: 1-3.

Gaydos, J. K. 2012. "Survivor Seal Style: post-release monitoring in rehabilitated seals." Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, Florida, January 2012: 1-2.

Gaydos, J. K. 2012. "Whale Tales: cetacean stranding and medicine in the Pacific Northwest." Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, Florida, January 2012: 1-5.

Gaydos, J. K., L. I. Vilchis, M. M. Lance, S. J. Jeffries, A. Thomas, V. Greenwood, P. Harner, and M. Ziccardi. 2012. "Postrelease movement of rehabilitated harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) pups compared with cohort-matched wild seal pups." Marine Mammal Science: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1111/mms.12002

Gaydos, J. K., D. Lambourn, F. M. D. Gulland, W. Van Bonn, A. Traxler, and S. Raverty. 2012. "Five cases of urolithiasis in free-ranging harbor seals." Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine, Atlanta, GA, May 2012: 1.

Lance, M. M., W. Chang, S. J. Jeffries, S. F. Pearson, A. Acevedo-Gutierrez. 2012. Harbor seal diet in northern Puget Sound: implications for the recovery of depressed fish stocks. Marine Ecology Progress Series 464:257-271. 

Mills-Parker, K., J. K. Gaydos, M. Ziccardi, C. Fiorello, D. Mulcahy, E. Whitmer, L. I. Vilchis, and S. De La Cruz. 2012. "Post-release monitoring of Western Grebes using implanted satellite transmitters." 39th Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Turtle Bay, HI, February 2012

Norman, S. A., J. Huggins, T. E. Carpenter, J. T. Case, D. M. Lambourn, J. Rice, J. Calambokidis, J. K. Gaydos, M. B. Hanson, D. A. Duffield, S. Dubpernell, S. Berta and M. Klope. 2012. GIS and spatio-temporal analyses of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) strandings during an Unusual Mortality Event in the Pacific Northwest (2006-2008). Marine Mammal Science. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2011.00507.x, 16 pages.

Schrimpf, M. B., J. K. Parrish, and S. F. Pearson. 2012. "Trade-offs in prey quality and quantity revealed through the behavioral compensation of breeding seabirds." Marine Ecology Progress Series 460: 247-259. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps09750

Shingledecker, S. 2012. Reel in & Recycle: how to build a recycling bin to collect used fishing line. US Boat. 

Twiner, M. J., J. L. Flewelling, S. E. Fire, S. R. Bowen-Stevens, J. K. Gaydos, C. K. Johnson, J. H. Landsberg, T. A. Leighfield, B. Mase-Guthrie, L. Schwacke, F. M. Van Dolah, Z. Wang, and T. Rowles. 2012. "Comparative Analysis of Three Brevetoxin-Associated Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Mortality Events in the Florida Panhandle Region (USA)." PLoS ONE 7 no. 8: e42974. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0042974

Vilchis, L. I., J. K. Gaydos, J. Evenson, P. Davidson, M. Raphael, and S. Pearson. 2012. "Assessing risk factors for declining marine birds in the Salish Sea: can commonalities indicate driving mechanisms?39th Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Turtle Bay, HI, February 2012.

Wootton, J. T. and C. A. Pfister. 2012. "Carbon System Measurements and Potential Climatic Drivers at a Site of Rapidly Declining Ocean pH." PLoS ONE 7 no. 12: e53396 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0053396


Anderson, E. M., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2011. Contrasts in energy status and marine foraging strategies of white-winged scoters (Melanitta fusca) and surf scoters (M. perspicillata). The Auk 128(2): 248-257. 

Cordell, J. R., C. Levy, and J. D. Toft. 2012. Ecological implications of invasive tunicates associated with artificial structures in Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Biological Invasions DOI 10.1007/s10530-012-0366-y

Gaydos, J. K. and N.A. Brown. 2011. "Species of Concern within the Salish Sea: Changes from 2002 to 2011." Proceedings of the 2011 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, October 25-27, 2011, Vancouver, BC: 1-12.

Gaydos, J. K., J. G. Massey, D. M. Mulcahy, L. Gaskins, D. Nysewander, J. Evenson, P. Siegel, and M. Ziccardi. 2011. "Short-term survival and effects of transmitter implantation into Western Grebes using a modified surgical procedure." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42: 414-425. https://doi.org/10.1638/2010-0233.1

Gaydos, J. K. and S. F. Pearson. 2011. "Birds and Mammals that Depend on the Salish Sea: A Compilation." Northwestern Naturalist 92 no. 2: 79-94. https://doi.org/10.1898/10-04.1

Levy, C., J. Cordell, J. Toft, and O. Gunning. 2011. "Evaluating the effects of invasive tunicates in Puget Sound." Proceedings of the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. October 2011.

Norman, S. A., et al. 2011. "The application of GIS and spatiotemporal analyses to investigations of unusual marine mammal strandings and mortality events." Marine Mammal Science 28 no. 3: E251-E266. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-7692.2011.00507.x

Pfister C.A., S. J. McCoy, J. T. Wootton, P. A. Martin, and A. S. Colman, et al. 2011. "Rapid Environmental Change over the Past Decade Revealed by Isotopic Analysis of the California Mussel in the Northeast Pacific." PLoS ONE 6 no. 10: e25766. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0025766

Rogers-Bennett, L., B. L. Allen, and D. P. Rothaus. 2011. "Status and Habitat Associations of the Threatened Northern Abalone: importance of kelp and coralline algae." Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21: 573-581. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.1218

 Tonnes, D., et al. 2011. "Rockfish Recovery in the Salish Sea: Research and Management Priorities." NOAA Fisheries Service: 1-124.


Chittaro, P. M., T. Klinger, K. Telmer, M. Sanborn, and L. Morgan. 2010. Using otolith chemistry to investigate population structure of quillback rockfish in Puget Sound. Northwest Science 84(3):243-254.

Colegrove, K. M., J. A. St. Leger, S. Raverty, S. Jang, M. Berman-Kowalewski and J. K. Gaydos. 2010. Salmonella Newport Omphaloarteritis in a Stranded Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Neonate. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46: 1300-1304.

Gaydos, J. K. 2010. "Injured wildlife at your door: knowing when to euthanize." Proceedings of the 2010 North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, FL, January 2010: 1821.

Gaydos, J. K. 2010. "Urban Orca: killer whales in Puget Sound." Proceedings of the 2010 North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, FL, January 2010: 1818-1820.

Gaydos, J. K., et al. 2010. "Epizootiology of Three Distinct Brevetoxin-Associated Bottlenose Dolphin Mortality Events in the Florida Panhandle." Proceedings of the 2010 International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia: 25-27.

Gilardi, K. V. K. 2010. “Marine species mortality in derelict fishing nets in Puget Sound, WA and the cost/benefits of derelict net removal.” Marine Pollution Bulletin. 60 (2010) 376–382.

Gilardi, K. V. K. 2010. "Wildlife Top 10 in 2010: hot topics, new challenges and promising solutions." Proceedings of the 2010 North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, FL, January 2010: 1825-1827

Himworth, C. G., M. Haulena, D. Lambourn, J. K. Gaydos, J. Huggins, J. Calambokidis, J. Ford, P. Ross, and S. Raverty. 2010. Pathology and Epidemiology of Phocid Herpesvirus-1 Infections in Wild and Rehabilitating Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Northeastern Pacific. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46: 1046-1051.

Anderson, E.M., Bower, J.L., Nysewander, D.R., Evenson, J.R. & Lovvorn, J.R. 2009. Changes in avifaunal abundance in a heavily used wintering and migration site in Puget Sound, Washington, during 1966–2007. Marine Ornithology 37: 19–27.

Anderson, E. M., J. R. Lovvorn, D. Esler, W. S. Boyd, and K. C. Stick. 2009. Using predator distributions, diet, and condition to evaluate seasonal foraging sites: sea ducks and herring spawn. Marine Ecology Progress Series 386:287-302.

Cullon, D. L., M. B. Ynker, C. Alleyne, N. J. Dangerfield, S. O’Neill, M. J. Whiticar, and P. S. Ross. 2009. Persistent organic pollutants in chinook salmon: implications for resident killer whales of British Columbia and adjacent waters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(1):148-161.

Gaydos, J. K. and N. Brown. 2009. "Species of concern within the Salish Sea Marine Ecosystem: changes between 2002 and 2008." In Proceedings of the 2009 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Ecosystem Conference, Seattle, WA, February 2009: 1-10.

Gaydos, J. K., E. Zabek, and S. A. Raverty. 2009. "Yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia in a beaver from Washington State." Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45 no. 4: 1182-1186. https://doi.org/10.7589/0090-3558-45.4.1182

Humple, D. K. 2009. "Genetic Structure and Demographic Impacts of Oil Spills in Western and Clark's Grebes." Master's Thesis: 1-110.

Kaplan Dau, B., K. V. K. Gilardi, F. M. Gulland, A. Higgins, J. B. Holcomb, J. St. Leger, and M. H. Ziccardi. Fishing gear-related injury in California marine wildlife. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45(2):355-362.

Marliave, J. and W. Challenger. 2009. "Monitoring and evaluating rockfish conservation areas in British Columbia." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 no. 6: 995-1006. https://10.1139/F09-056.


Anderson, E. M., and J. R. Lovvorn. 2008. Gray whales may increase feeding opportunities for avian benthivores. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 360:291-296.

Britton-Simmons, K. H., and K. C. Abbott. 2008. Short and long-term effects of disturbance and propagule pressure on a biological invasion. Journal of Ecology 96:68-77.

Gaydos, J. K., W. A. Miller, C. Johnson, H. Zornetzer, A. Melli, A. Packham, S. J. Jeffries, M. M. Lance, and P. A. Conrad. 2008. "Novel and Canine Genotypes Of Giardia Duodenalis In Harbor Seals (Phoca Vitulina Richardsi)." The Journal of Parasitology 94 no. 6:1264-1268. https://doi.org/10.1645/GE-1321.1

Gaydos, J. K., L. Dierauf, G. Kirby, D. Brosnan, K. Gilardi and G. E. Davis. 2008. Top Ten Principles for Designing Healthy Coastal Ecosystems like the Salish Sea. EcoHealth 5: 460–471. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-009-0209-1.

Pomeroy, A.C., D. A. Acevedo Seaman, R. W. Butler, R. W. Elner, T. D. Williams, and R. C. Ydenberg. 2008. "Feeding-danger trade-offs underlie stopover site selection by migrants." Avian Conservation and Ecology 3 no. 1: 7. 

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Brown, N. and J. K. Gaydos. 2007. "Species of concern in the Puget Sound Georgia Basin: changes between 2002 and 2006." Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Gaydos, J. K., P. A. Conrad, K. V. K. Gilardi, G. M. Blundell, and M. Ben-David. 2007. "Does human proximity affect antibody prevalence in marine-foraging river otters?Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43: 116-123. https://doi.org/10.7589/0090-3558-43.1.116

^Gaydos, J. K., W. A. Smith, K. V. K. Gilardi, A. Melli, H. Schwantje, C. Englelstoft, H. Fritz, and P. A. Conrad. 2007. "Cryptosporidium and Giardia in marine-foraging river otters (Lontra canadensis) from the Puget Sound Georgia Basin Ecosystem." Journal of Parasitology 93 no. 1: 198-202. https://doi.org/10.1645/GE-928R.1

Greene, H.G., Bizzarro, J.J., O’Connell, V.M., and Brylinsky, C.K., 2007, Construction of digital potential marine benthic habitat maps using a coded classification scheme and its application, in Todd, B.J., and Greene, H.G., eds., Mapping the Seafloor for Habitat Characterization: Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper 47, p. 141-155.

Hauser , L., L. Newton, L. LeClair and R. Buckley. 2007. Genetic identification of progeny of reef-resident brown rockfish (Sebastes auriculatus). Biology, Assessment, and Management of North Pacific Rockfishes. Alaska Sea Grant College Program. AK-SG-07-01,2007.

Kraege, D., Impacts of hunting on scoter numbers in northern Puget Sound. 2007.

Nichols, J., A. Stoltz, S. Lane, and J. K. Gaydos. 2007. "Free fish and invertebrate ID classes gets SCUBA divers involved in marine conservation." Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia

Rogers-Bennett, L. 2007. "Is climate change contributing to range reductions and localized extinctions in northern (Haliotis Kamtschatkana) and flat (Haliotis Walallensis) abalones?Bulletin of Marine Science 81 no. 2: 283-296.

Whitesell, E. A., F. W. Schroeder, and P. Hardison. 2007. "Protecting Washington's Marine Environments: Tribal Perspectives." Final report to the SeaDoc Society: 1-43.

Britton-Simmons, K. H. 2006."Sargassum muticum." Book chapter in: Invasive species in the Pacific Northwest. P.D. Boersma, Reichard, S.E., and Van Buren, A.N., eds. University of Washington Press.

Britton-Simmons, K. H. 2006. Functional group diversity, resource preemption and the genesis of invasion resistance in a community of marine algae. Oikos 113: 395-401.

Fraser, D. A., J. K. Gaydos, E. Karlsen, and M. S. Rylko. 2006. "Collaborative science, policy development and program implementation in the transboundary Georgia Basin / Puget Sound Ecosystem." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 113: 49-69. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-005-9096-2

Klinger, T., D. K. Padilla, and K. Britton-Simmons. 2006. Two invaders achieve higher densities in reserves. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater ecosystems 16:301-311.

Lockwood, S. K., J. L. Chovan, and J. K. Gaydos. 2006. "Aerobic bacterial isolations from harbor seals stranded in Washington State: 1992-2003." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 37: 281-291. http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1638/05-035.1

Seaman, D.A., C. G. Guglielmo, R. W. Elner, and T.D. Williams. 2006. "Landscape-scale physiology: site differences in refueling rates as indicated by plasma metabolite analysis in free-living, migratory sandpipers." The Auk 123 no. 2: 563-574. https://doi.org/10.1642/0004-8038(2006)123[563:LPSDIR]2.0.CO;2


Brown, N. and J. K. Gaydos. 2005. "Species of concern in the Puget Sound Georgia Basin: changes between 2002 and 2004." Proceedings of the 2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference, Seattle, Washington.

Byers, J. 2005. Marine reserves enhance abundance but not competitive impacts of a harvested non indigenous species. Ecology 86(2):487-500.

Gaydos, J. K. 2005. "2005 Puget Sound Seabird and Seaduck Research meeting notes." Unpublished Notes, 13 pg. 

Gaydos, J. K., S. A. Norman, D. Lambourn, S. Jeffries, S. Raverty, M. Leslie, S. Lockwood, D. DeGhetto, J. Huckabee, D. Ewalt, J. Whaley, and T. Rowles. 2005. "Should harbor seals with antibodies to Brucella be rehabilitated?Proceedings of the 2005 International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine Annual Conference, Seward, AK.

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