Meet Madison Churchill, Social Media and Communications Editor

We’re excited to introduce a talented artist, communicator, and diver who will be contributing to SeaDoc Society’s storytelling and social media in the months ahead! Her name is Madison Churchill and Team SeaDoc is lucky to have here. Here’s a bit more from Madison:

I’ve lived in the Pacific Northwest my entire life—currently residing in Seattle. I’m a local artist specializing in scientific illustration of marine organisms. I’m a divemaster and free-diver, and spend as much time as possible underwater. I love combining my art with my love for the sea, using paint as a tool to celebrate the natural world.

I graduated from Western Washington University in environmental policy, and recently started working for SeaDoc Society doing communications and social media engagement.

I’m a marine naturalist with an obsession with kelp forests, and the thousands of marine species that call it their home. I can be found underwater peering into cracks and crevices or searching the understory for nudibranchs, sea stars, and other invertebrates.

Follow SeaDoc Society on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to keep up with Madison’s work! (Icons below! 👇)