The Wildlifers Club
The SeaDoc Society's Wildlifers Club recognizes the extraordinarily generous individuals, families, businesses and foundations that support our programs with gifts of over $1,000 in a year. The Wildlifers are the backbone of our program. Please join us in celebrating and honoring their generosity and leadership.
Steve Alboucq and Beth Smith
John Alic
Valerie Anders
Elizabeth Arel and Lisa Reising
John Bailey
Wally and Josie Barrow
Susan and Roy Beaton
Audrey Benedict
William and Mary Benedict
Barbara Bennett
Phillip and Laura Bloch
Alexa and Andrew Bluth
Eleanor Brekke
Jeffrey and Deborah Brennan
Mike and Susan Briddell
Scott and Karen Campbell
Kevin and Iris Campion
Tom and Sonya Campion
Daniel and Margaret Carper
Mariann and Ken Carrasco
Kim Clarkin
Mary Clure
Michael Coco and Sylvie Anctil-Bavas
Cathy Li Cohlmia and Matt Cohlmia
Greg Colvin and Donna Emerson
Robert Coneybeer and Tania Lissitskaia
Betty Corbett and Bill Wulff
Tara Craig and Brenna Normann
Bruce Culver
Kathy Dickinson
Leslie Dierauf and Jim Hurley
Jim and Laura Donald
Traci and Lucas Donat
Janice D'Amato
Pam and Bob Eshelman
Lance Evans and Janet Brownell
Barbara and David Evans
Jim and Birte Falconer
Suzy Forman
Joel and Charlotte Gaydos
Jacqueline Gilardi
Kirsten and Jamie Gilardi
Laura R. Gilmer
Leigh Ann Gilmer
Malcolm Goodfellow
Robert and Mary Green
Lynn Greer
Wally and Susan Gudgell
Thor Hanson and Eliza Habegger
Laura Hattendorf and Andrew Kau
Mike and Angie Hawkins
Margaret Hayes
Phyllis Henigson
Linda Henry and Pam Loew
Bill and Emily Heston
Michael Hoffmann
Bill and Lannie Hoglund
Trey and Cheryl Holland
William Horder
Matt Humphreys
Julie Irwin and Steve Pokorny
Kristin and Art Jankowski
Maryhelen and Rod Johnson
Bruce Kerwin and Lauri Herman
Janet Ketcham
Grant* and Vildan Kirby
Martha Kongsgaard and Peter Goldman
Sonoko Konishi and Ewan Johnson
Christina Koons and Jim McIntire
James Kraft and Dominique Posy
Ardi Kveven and Kris Calvin
Claudia La Rose and Wendy Tureaud
Jamie Leigh and Anthony Kreshock
Karl and Laurie Leaverton
Chip and Elizabeth Long
Nancy and Kevin Loomis
Chris Lynch and Bill Tanner
Greg and Sharon Maffei
Sally Maimoni
Susan and James Mayer
Jonna and Jeff Mazet
Carol McConnell
Don and Melinda McCoy
Nadine and Scott McIntosh
Nancy McKay
Barb and Stewart Mehlman
Judy Meyer and Gene Helfman
Mike and LJ Miller
Jennifer Hahn and Chris Moench
Melissa Moran-Hodge
Mike Morrill and Kim Wernicke
Susan Morrow and Stan Gent
Bentley Moyer
Cameron and Linda Myhrvold
Pete Naylor and Michelle Linak
Scott and Lisa Neal
Thomas Neuburger and Julie Taylor
Lisa and Si Newland
Sam and Beth Newland
Kelly* and Janet Nimtz
Nancy Nordhoff and Lynn Hays
Kara O’Toole and KT Hendrie
John and Rita Onsum
Norbert and Andrea Orth
Bennie Osbun
Eric Paerels and Laurie St. Aubin
Rita Pampanin
Amber and Justin Paulsen
Jen Cleverley and Sean Peoples
Claudia Peters and Craig Weakley
Bill Pike
Cheryl Preston
Tim Ragen
Ingrid Rasch
Adam and Kara Rhodes
Bryce and Sue Rhodes
Emery Rhodes
Susan Riese
Tom Riley
Dave Roberts
Stuart and Lee Rolfe
Judy and Ron Romines
Ron and Heather Rosenberg
Jerry Rosenthal and Cionna Buckley
Ann Rowley
Janice Sears and Tom Brown
Sonya Erickson and Tim Seifert
Rochelle and Cory Severson
Mitch and Elizabeth Siegler
Annette and Jamie Smith
Stephanie Solien and Frank Greer
Anne Stoltz*
Tom and Brenda Stonecipher
Rick and Cathy Svoboda
Craig Tall and Penny LeGate
Karisa Tang and Vinay Mikkilineni
Kathy Thornburgh
Barbara and Rebecca Tisi
John and Joni Trumbull
Don Van Wie
John and Maia Vechey
Joe and Ann von Kugelgen
Suzy Mygatt Wakefield and Jay Wakefield
Leslie Walker and Bob Coey
Maggie Walker
Betsy Wareham
Joanne and Stuart Watts
Marsha and Bob Waunch
Robin and Perry Webster
Alison Weir and John Bric
J. Scott and Pranee White
Bryan and Christine White
David and Barbara Whitridge
Lucy and Stuart Williams
Chic and Kathy Wilson
Judy and Arthur Winer
Jennifer Woodbridge
Mark and Constance Wray
H. S. Wright and Kate Janeway
Martha Wyckoff and Jerry Tone
Please let us know if we are missing your name!
SeaDoc Society Wildlifers enjoy unique benefits:
Recognition on the SeaDoc website and in Wildlifer promotional materials (optional; please let us know if you would prefer anonymity)
Additional regular updates from SeaDoc Scientists and Board members
Unique opportunities to join SeaDoc in the field or to meet SeaDoc Society scientists
SeaDoc Society Wildlifers have just one responsibility: to continue to show and share their enthusiasm for the SeaDoc Society! Tell your friends about SeaDoc and why it’s worthy of your support; display a SeaDoc decal in your car, boat, or office/business window; or proudly wear your SeaDoc cap!
* To specially recognize people who have advanced the SeaDoc Society and its mission, not just with their pocketbooks but with their extraordinary time, effort, energy and enthusiasm, we have designated a category of Wildlifer member, the Honorary Wildlifer. Honorary Wildlifers are lifelong members who enjoy all the same benefits of membership, without the commitment to support annually at the $1,000 level.
Corporate and Foundation WildLifers:
Coward Family Foundation
Giuliani Foundation
Kerr Family Fund
KOA Charitable
Linnemann Family Foundation
Lovsted Family Foundation
Mill Creek Rotary Club
Natural Encounters Conservation Fund
PACCAR Foundation
Pegasus Fund
R & L Donner Trust
Rose Foundation
Seattle Cider Company
Vincent J. Coates Foundation
Wayne and JoAnn English Family Foundation
Willowmoor Foundation
WWW Foundation
Octopus Award
The Octopus Award is an honor we give to individuals who go above and beyond to help us in our mission to ensure the health of the Salish Sea through other means.